Majestic Monarch's Teen Patti Night


Event Overview:

  • Introduce the event as a grand celebration combining the sophistication of a royal gathering with the excitement of a Teen Patti tournament.

Event Highlights:

  1. Grand Entrance and Majestic Reception:

    • Guests arrive to a grand entrance adorned with majestic decor and a red carpet welcome.
    • Welcome drinks and gourmet hors d'oeuvres served as guests mingle and enjoy the luxurious ambiance of a royal court.
  2. Teen Patti Tournament:

    • Overview of Teen Patti rules and tournament structure.
    • Multiple tables for guests to participate in the tournament, featuring professional dealers for an authentic casino experience.
    • VIP high-stakes tables for seasoned players seeking an exhilarating challenge.
  3. Royal Entertainment and Activities:

    • Live entertainment throughout the night, featuring a live band, classical ensemble, or DJ playing sophisticated music.
    • Dance floor with music for guests to dance and celebrate.
    • Royal-themed photo booth for guests to capture memories in regal attire.
  4. Gourmet Dining Experience:

    • Exquisite dinner served in a grand dining setting, featuring a menu of gourmet dishes fit for royalty.
    • Wine pairings and specialty cocktails offered to complement the dining experience.
  5. Majestic Decor and Ambiance:

    • Venue decorated in a royal theme, with elegant drapery, chandeliers, and gold accents creating a majestic atmosphere.
    • Luxurious seating arrangements and floral centerpieces enhancing the regal setting.
  6. Prizes and Awards:

    • Prizes awarded to tournament winners and runners-up, with special recognition for exceptional gameplay.
    • Raffle or lucky draw for additional prizes, such as royal-themed gifts or luxury experiences.
  7. Charity Component:

    • Highlight any charitable contributions or donations made during the event, reflecting the spirit of generosity and community support.


  • Thank guests for attending and making the "Majestic Monarch's Teen Patti Night" a memorable and successful event.
  • Invite guests to continue enjoying the evening's festivities and celebrating in regal style.

Event Details:

  • Date: [Date of the event]
  • Time: [Start and end time]
  • Location: [Venue name and address]
  • Dress Code: Formal wear with a touch of royal elegance.

Royal Flush Extravaganza


Event Overview:

  • Briefly introduce the game of Teen Patti (Indian Poker) to those who may not be familiar.
  • Emphasize the luxurious and exclusive nature of the event.

Event Highlights:

  1. Grand Entrance and Red Carpet Reception:

    • Guests arrive to a glamorous red carpet reception with photographers capturing their arrival.
    • Champagne and hors d'oeuvres are served as guests mingle and socialize.
  2. The Main Event - Teen Patti Tournament:

    • Tournament setup and rules explained.
    • Multiple tables with professional dealers ensure a smooth and fair game.
    • High-stakes tables for seasoned players, and casual tables for those new to the game.
  3. Entertainment and Activities:

    • Live music performance throughout the night.
    • Dance floor with a DJ playing the latest hits.
    • Photo booth with props for guests to capture memories.
  4. Gourmet Dining Experience:

    • Exquisite multi-course dinner served in a fine dining setting.
    • Wine and cocktail pairings curated by expert mixologists and sommeliers.
  5. Auction and Prizes:

    • Silent auction featuring luxury items and experiences.
    • Prizes awarded to tournament winners and runners-up.
  6. Charity Component:

    • Highlight any charitable contributions or donations made during the event.


  • Thank guests for attending and contributing to the success of the Royal Flush Extravaganza.
  • Invite guests to stay and enjoy the remainder of the evening.
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